Award-winning author
Unusual times, remarkable places

The "Standard of Ur" from ancient Mesopotamia

The "Standard of Ur" from ancient Mesopotamia

29 November 2016

New short story published

I took part in an anthology with some other people in OCC-RWA, my local Romance Writers of America chapter. We just published it as a Kindle ebook, and it will soon be out in trade paperback.

Secrets of Moonlight Cove contains six short romances by six authors, set in the small California beach town of Moonlight Cove, where everyone has a secret…
Here is our brand-new trailer, which went up last night:

This is the first trailer I've ever made, and I'm pleased with how it turned out. My husband, David Malueg, lent his voice for the narration.

You can find the book at Amazon at


Charles Gramlich said...

Moonlight Cove. Great name for a town. Congrats on the pub!

Anonymous said...

Nice post.Thank you so much for sharing this post.